Sales contract


Per this Legal Announcement as herewith duly provided to all Customers, the following B2B Sales Contract Schedules have been amended per versions of 1 October 2022, including also other minor edits for your ease of use and transparency as follows:
i) as Free of Charge payment method reference is made to any bank transfers for any Customers meaning that no surcharges will be applicable to bank transfer payment method (Clause 10 Sales Terms and Conditions)
ii) the Confidentiality Clause has been improved for the benefit of the Customer enhancing the scope of confidentiality (Clause 23 Sales Terms and Conditions)
Any amendments included in the FiberRing B2B Sales Contract Schedules will be applicable to all Customers taking into account the required notice period of fourteen (14) days in advance for being automatically effective to all (existing and new) Sales Contracts.
This Legal Announcement and Sales Contract Schedules including these amendments are made available for FiberRing as herewith notified and listed on this website.

You can download the latest versions of the contract documentation below.

Sales Terms and Conditions
Services Specifications
Support and Service Levels